Friday, August 10, 2012

Sketch Book.....Quilting Inspiration

When I am unsure of a quilting design,
I draw it out in the back of the sketch book...

It is easier working in the back of the book.
I know that sounds silly, but it works for me.

The first pages of the sketch book can be intimidating!
Leave them blank.....start drawing in the back of the book.

 This is also excellent advice:
Fear of Failure can be crippling...

 This Sketch Book costs $5......and I am worth that.
I can draw anything I want in here without worrying whether
it is good or perfect.

 It is my little book of drawing experiments.
I am inspired by a design (this one from the carpet in a hotel lobby),
so I draw it out to see what happens.

When you are testing out a quilting design,
behave as if the pen is the needle, the paper the quilt sandwich.
Keep the pen down on the paper at all times, as if you are quilting.

 This is also an excellent attitude to adopt:
 What are you waiting for?
Start drawing today...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Quilting on Woven Sunshine

CLICK HERE to view: Quilting on Sunflowers

CLICK HERE to view: ALL Sketch Book posts

CLICK HERE to see who INSPIRES me!

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi

Brought to YOU by:
Gunnr and his Blue Ball

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your designs. It is inspiring both in ideas and and in execution.
