Sunday, July 21, 2024

New York Beauty Quilt...


It's time to change up the quilt on the bed...

It's been awhile since we had our

New York Beauty Quilt

on the bed...

I started paper piecing this quilt in 2009...

I love paper piecing...

that's the best way to get those really

pointy points...

I used lots of floral and fruit fabrics...

I also enjoy curved piecing...

I think I enjoyed the challenge of this quilt...

It's back on the bed and we can enjoy 

all of this color over the summer!

CLICK HERE to view all NYB posts

CLICK HERE to view all Fabulous Finishes

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Quilting and Baling Hay...


I am creating a Comfort Quilt...

I pulled a bunch of large floral fabric scraps

that have been in the stash for 20 years or so...

I chose this gladiolus fabric for the center.

They measure about 8 inches tall...

There was enough of this pink zinnia fabric

for a border around the gladiolus...

Before I knew it, there are 3 borders on

and it measures 60 inches square.

I will put one last border on...

Out in the last hay field:

We are finishing things up...

I am raking and the Cowboy is baling...

The Cowboy is baling up the very last

round bale of the season...

That is a great feeling!

Nothing left to do but haul in the big trailers,

load up the bales

and haul them to winter storage.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Vintage Christmas Quilt....Top Done

This is what the Christmas quilt

looked like last month...

The pick up truck blocks were completed...

and stitched into rows with the trees...

Last week I added a narrow white border

and a narrow red border...

It is now complete with a wide

green border...

Quilting and binding are next!

We are in the 3rd hay field this week...

I was able to get the mowing and raking done

after the heat wave was over...

 The Cowboy is baling it today...

One more hay field left to do.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Cow Camp Tree...


We're in the 2nd hay field today.

I got my raking done early in the morning

when it was still cool...

It is 105 degrees this afternoon and I am 

looking for somewhere to shade up...

So I went where our cattle shade up...

The Cow Camp Tree

I pulled the pick up under the tree limbs,

opened the doors and a beautiful breeze

blew right through the cab...

The Cow Camp Tree is enormous...

This picture will give you an idea of just

how HUGE this tree really is !

This picture was taken last Spring

of our cow and calf pairs:

50 head of cattle can easily shade up

under this big, old, beautiful tree...

Animals are so smart,

so I followed their lead and rested

in the shade of the Cow Camp Tree...

Parked under the tree I could see out

over the hay fields and watch

the Cowboy bale hay...

We have 10 barns on the ranch...

this is the oldest barn.

It is been home to sheep, goats and cattle.

I will continue to sit in the shade

while the Cowboy finishes baling this field.

Yes, he has A/C in the tractor.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Baling Hay....

Once the mowing and raking are done...


It's time to get it baled up !


We have been making round bales for

over 20 years now...

Even after 20 years,  I still get

a kick out of watching them pop out

the back of the baler !

100 degrees this week !

A couple more weeks of this

and hay season will be over...

The first field is baled...

on to the next one.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Life in the Hay Fields...


Life continues here in the hay fields...

I am now mowing the second hay field.

I am not alone...

Just across the fence is the Cowboy...

He is raking the first hay field...

Once the raking was done,

he hooked up the round baler...

The round bales weight 1,000 pounds...

Lots of mowing, raking and baling going on...

The Cowboy baled up 120 bales in the

first hay field...

You can view our hay field videos on Instagram

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi