Saturday, September 14, 2019

Plow Girl...

My sewing machine sits quietly today...

This machine is fueled up and ready to go:

John Deere 4440

The Cowboy hooked the plow up today

and I am ready rock!

Just beyond the tractor is our place,

you can see the red barn and yellow buildings...

The little yellow building 

to the left of the barn 

is my Thread Shed...

This is the front of the Thread Shed.

The Cowboy built it in 2000

This photo was taken from 
the ridge above our place:

In the center of the photo 

is our house and red barn.

Just beyond are the hay fields

where I will be plowing today.

It is dry and the plow is kicking up some dust...

I am safe inside the cab of the tractor...

dust free, the A/C is going 

and I'm listening to my tunes!

Next Spring this will be a beautiful hay field!

Enjoy the Plowing Videos Below:

Look closely and I will wave at you!

You can view this full screen

Plowing the Hay Field 1 from LuAnn Kessi on Vimeo.

Plowing the Hay Field 2 from LuAnn Kessi on Vimeo.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. How often do you plow your hay fields? I have only seen my FIL do it when he switched to Timothy hay...otherwise I don't think he does it. Why do you plow the hay field? Of course, he also doesn't think women in his family should be involved much in anything on the farm, other that to feed the animals and fetch tools!!

    1. The yields are down in the hay fields the last few years, so it is time to work them up and plant some new pasture mix seed. Also, our moles are hell on a hay field. So many mole hills you can barely walk through the field, no less drive through them. I ran the harrow over the plowed field today and it is getting so smooth.....almost ready to plant.

      Thanks for your comments,

    2. We have badgers that create awful holes in our fields, so I understand what you are going through. Once I was loping my horse up a hill when both his front feet went into a badger hole...he stopped instantly while I ended up with my arms around his neck by his head and only one foot left in a stirrup!! I had an amazing bruise from my groin to my knee from the saddle horn. We get moles in our lawn by the house - hate them too!! Makes you want to go all Caddyshack on them!!!

  2. You always bring back such wonderful memories of my childhood (and part of my life - mid way! ha). Thanks for the share!!! You are a great wife for the "cowboy"!

  3. Thanks Robbie for your always kind comments! The Cowboy is a great guy...I wouldn't have this life without him.
    I am enjoying the collage work you are doing on your blog.....nice!

    My Best To You,

  4. Waving back, my friend. I so enjoy "visiting" your beautiful farm! carmen

  5. I miss you Carmen! Hope to get to spend some time with you soon.

    Big Hugs,
