Thursday, October 4, 2018

Rust Dyeing....

I have 3 more Barn Lot Quilts planned

so I need more rusted fabric...

I soaked the fabric in vinegar,

wrapped the fabric around rusty objects,

wrapped it up in plastic bags

and put it out in the sun to rust...

After a week wrapped in plastic,

it is ready to process...

I soaked the fabric overnight in a bucket of

water and baking soda.

Then I washed and dried it.

Here it is fresh out of the dryer...

I now have 10 yards of newly rust dyed fabric.

Here are a few of my favorites:

It's time to take this bundle of rusty goodness

out to the Thread Shed and get back to

creating more Barn Lot Quilts.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Wow, wow, wow, wow and wow!!!! You did get some fantastic rust results!!!! These pieces are unbelievable!!!

  2. I have a big storage tub that I keep out at the barn. It is filled with rusty metal. I have been using these pieces for years, so I know they make great rust dyed patterns on the cloth.....predictable results, that's what I like. Thanks for your comment.
    Much Appreciated,

  3. Ohmygosh! They're gorgeous, LuAnn! I have the beginnings of a collection of "things that rust", and am now inspired to collect in earnest. We aren't on a farm, but we sure do live in farm country. Shouldn't be too hard to find appropriate "junk". :-)

    1. Get the word out to friends and family that you are collecting rusty stuff. It is amazing what you will get. Be sure the metal is good and rusty before you wrap it in the fabric. Lots of hot weather speeds up the rusting process.

      Have FUN,
