Saturday, September 7, 2024

Summer Cattle...

Oh, the lazy days of summer... 

Elsa, the frozen calf is on the left...

she is 18 months old now.

This is Althea Pink....a real beauty

Eloise, the white roan, is a yearling heifer

and will have her first calf next Spring...

This is the heifer field, across the river from

our home place, in the background.

Butter Cup, oh so cute !

She is also a heifer and expecting her

first calf in the Spring...

All the cattle are fat and slick in the summer...

In the summer, the living is easy...

This is our newest Golden Girl...

Her name is Brookie.

She is 5 months old.

Cattle in the summer...

my favorite time of the year !

I have posted videos of the baby chicks

on Instagram

You can watch them HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 


  1. All of your cattle are beautiful.

    1. Thank You Marilyn. We just love our cattle and enjoy spending time with them out in the pastures this time of the year. Hugs, LuAnn
