Sunday, September 15, 2024

Front & Back....

We are enjoying the last of our 

summer weather...

The front flower bed is still

in full bloom...

These marigolds are the size of a baseball...

This flower bed is just outside

the front door...

This view is from the front door

looking out toward the barn

and my Thread Shed...

Whiskey Barrels and Wagon Wheels

in front of the house...

That little window is the garden window

in the kitchen.

Petunia pots on top of the barrels...

The front flower bed looking

toward the front door...

You can see the red barn and

the yellow Thread Shed in the background...

This is around the back side of the house:

Lots of State Fair Zinnias

growing along the patio...

Looking out from the back door

you can see the cattle in the pasture

and the calving barns on the right...

 Come March,  we will be spending

a lot of time across the river

at the calving barns...

It is good to slow down and take time 

to appreciate what is around you.

I will miss all of this come winter.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 


  1. What a beautiful colorful property and so lovingly tended. It is such a pleasure to see all your pictures. Thank you for sharing, Annick

    1. Thank You Annick for your very sweet comment. Much Appreciated!

