Sunday, September 15, 2024

Front & Back....

We are enjoying the last of our 

summer weather...

The front flower bed is still

in full bloom...

These marigolds are the size of a baseball...

This flower bed is just outside

the front door...

This view is from the front door

looking out toward the barn

and my Thread Shed...

Whiskey Barrels and Wagon Wheels

in front of the house...

That little window is the garden window

in the kitchen.

Petunia pots on top of the barrels...

The front flower bed looking

toward the front door...

You can see the red barn and

the yellow Thread Shed in the background...

This is around the back side of the house:

Lot of State Fair Zinnias

grown along the patio...

Looking out from the back door

you can see the cattle in the pasture

and the calving barns on the right...

 Come March,  we will be spending

a lot of time across the river

at the calving barns...

It is good to slow down and take time 

to appreciate what is around you.

I will miss all of this come winter.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pears & Cattle...


The Cowboy planted a Pear Tree

a few years ago...

Now...every September

I find myself doing this !

The Cowboy brings a box of pears in

each morning...

This is my pear processing center...

the kitchen will stay like this until

the pear tree is done.

The Cowboy usually helps peel the pears,

but today is he out hauling firewood.

We started feeding cattle this week...

this is the first bale of the season.

The pastures have dried up and

the cows are beginning to wander

looking for feed...

The cattle are on Open Range...

not fenced in,

so they can go up into the hills for

miles chasing feed.

A fresh bale of hay each day

keeps them anchored down in the pastures,

where we can find them.

We will be weaning calves in October,

so we don't want to chase all over the

hills for the cows and calves.


View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Christmas Quilts...

I spent this week finishing up the

Christmas Quilts

I began in January of this year... 

The machine quilting is complete

on the Christmas Tree Quilt...

Time to trim off the rough edges...

The binding is ready to go...

I do most of my bindings by machine...

Large scale quilting...I love it !

Back side of binding...

Just need to get the label sewn on...

Ta-Done !

The Vintage Christmas quilt

is machine quilted...

Love those swirls and snowflakes...

Trimming off the rough edges...

The binding is pieced, pressed and ready

to stitch in place...

The red binding works nicely...

The label is sewn to the back and

it is ready to go !

So happy to have these done and ready

for two very special people.

I will give them at Thanksgiving

and they can sleep under them the whole

month of December.....FUN !

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Sunday, September 8, 2024



Each morning when I water the flowers...

I take the time to appreciate them

and how happy they make me...

Whiskey Barrels by the Hen House...

Thread Shed and Hen House...

They are located in the yard next to our house.

The chickens enjoy hanging out by

The rooster takes good care of his hens...

This flower bed is located just outside

our front door...

In full bloom...

Black Eyed Suzies, Marigolds, Dahlias,

Blanket Flowers, State Fair Zinnias

Check out the size of that

Jumbo Lime Green Hosta

next to the front steps !

Enjoying the last of our summer blooms

before autumn sets in...

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Summer Cattle...

Oh, the lazy days of summer... 

Elsa, the frozen calf is on the left...

she is 18 months old now.

This is Althea Pink....a real beauty

Eloise, the white roan, is a yearling heifer

and will have her first calf next Spring...

This is the heifer field, across the river from

our home place, in the background.

Butter Cup, oh so cute !

She is also a heifer and expecting her

first calf in the Spring...

All the cattle are fat and slick in the summer...

In the summer, the living is easy...

This is our newest Golden Girl...

Her name is Brookie.

She is 5 months old.

Cattle in the summer...

my favorite time of the year !

I have posted videos of the baby chicks

on Instagram

You can watch them HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi