Sunday, February 28, 2016

Art Beads.......making more beads!

A gorgeous sunrise in the back yard today:

We truly appreciate the sunshine here in

very wet Western Oregon

This is what the clay table looks like today:

I create art beads with polymer clay

These beads have been shaped, 

baked and stained...

The next step is to glaze them.

I have been into making house beads...

I pressed a skeleton key 

in the houses on the left.

Just had to make a few more large hearts...

A few more little house beads 

with textures pressed into them.

I am wanting to make more masculine beads...

Long Horn Steer, Grizzly Bear, Buffalo

The images were created with a 

metal leather stamp.

I am looking forward to putting these

into a necklace.....soon.

The tulips are coming through the soil:

Last autumn I planted 10 containers 

with 300 tulip bulbs

A mushroom sprouted in this container!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Calving Season......8 Calves this week

Our first week into calving...

8 cows have calved so far

5 bull and 3 heifer calves.

These are the calving grounds

Just across the river is our place.

See the red barn?

To the left of the barn is a little yellow building...

that is the Thread Shed

The cow boss is in the center of the photo...

he is herding a cow over to the calving barn.

She has been laboring all day 

and not making any progress...

We will put her in the barn 

and see if her calf is hung up?

We pulled her calf.....a healthy heifer calf.

Mother and baby are doing fine!

When we came out of the barn 

the moon was out:

It was a beautiful drive back across the river 

to home.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Art Beads.......Necklaces and Bracelet

My hand made art beads are piling up...

It's time to make some jewelry with them:

I love making these fat birdie beads!

Bird Necklaces

These are like potato chips...

you can't make just one!

Making more skeleton key necklaces...

I am hooked on making large hearts from clay.

This little birdie made into a bracelet...

I enjoyed working with an earthy color story

for this piece.

This is a mix of my hand made clay beads

and commercial beads with a button closure.

I created these horse pendants 

a couple weeks ago...

It was time to put them into necklaces.....FUN!

Black Fern Pendant...

I made this fern pendant a month or so ago...

last night I worked it into a necklace.

It has a silver button closure on the side.

The dragon fly charm fit nicely 

on the pendant.

The jewelry muse has a strong hold on me!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Orange Peel/Pumpkin Seed Quilt.....Progress

Last month I started this circle quilt...

my nickname for it is the Pancake Quilt.

Don't they look like piles of pancakes 

on the table?

There are 120 pancakes

This will make a large lap size quilt.

Today I am quilting the pancakes:

The template has 4 holes...

you mark the holes on the pancakes.

You draw an X on the pancake...

Now you are ready to quilt the pancakes...

Before I can begin quilting...

Ralph, the Quilt Palace cat, needs some scratching.

The walking foot helps keep the layers from 

shifting and helps me keep a straight line.

I am a factory style quilter...

so I am feeding the pancakes through 

assembly line style.

I completed more than 60 pancakes 


More next Monday.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi