Thursday, October 3, 2024

Flower Power...

I just can't clean out the flower beds yet...


By Now...I normally have the flowers 

all cleaned out,

mulched and put to bed for the winter...

But, take a look for yourself:

The dahlias are really putting on a show !

They are responding to all of this gorgeous

and sunny autumn weather we are having

here in Western Oregon...

I just can't clean out the flower beds just yet...

There are even a few zinnias blooming...

I will miss them when they are gone...

These images will have to last all winter...

The bumble bees appreciate the flowers too !

As long as this beautiful weather sticks around,

so will the flowers!

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 


  1. Your flowers are so beautiful! Here in NE Ohio it was so hot and dry in August and half of September I couldn't water enough to try and keep any flowers except for the California poppies. The coneflowers all dried up and I just watered to keep the plants alive.

    1. HI Patty, Yes, the hot summers are hard on flowers...some days I have to water morning and night both to keep them going.
