Friday, August 2, 2024

Summer Color...

Now that hay season is over,

I am trying to spend some time 

in the flower beds... 

This is the Thread Shed where I do most

of my quilting.

It has flowers growing on all 4 sides...

The Cowboy installed an A/C in here

and I can sew when it is over 100 degrees

and be nice and cool...

Hydrangeas blooming 

in front of the Thread Shed...

They are lime green at first,

then they turn purple, then blue...

There is a Passion Flower vine

growing up the side of the Thread Shed...

Pink Coneflowers...

The deer don't like to eat these.....yay!

We have several bird houses around the yard...

we have been watching the baby birds

leave the nest and learn to fly.

This is the flower bed just outside the

front door of our house...

The Cowboy built that bird house.

Tree Swallows nest in there every Spring.

Black Eyed Suzy

Red Roses


State Fair Zinnia

Pink Coneflower


Out back behind the house...

Peaches are beginning to color up

on the new, little peach trees...


Star Lilies

Petunias growing on the back patio...

Poppy  seed pods...

They are quite large...

I will harvest the seeds this fall and

replant them for next year.

I am trying to take time to enjoy the flowers

while I am weeding, fertilizing, 

mulching and watering.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 


  1. What gorgeous flowers you have.
    The Passion flower is awesome.
    All very pretty.

  2. What a happy, joyful, colorful post! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love the peach tree!

    1. We are looking forward to peach pies later this summer!
