Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mamma Cows...

We have been gathering up the mama cows

so they are all in one location... 

for calving season...just 7 weeks away !

These are some of our new 

replacement heifers...

We are adding them to our cow herd.

They are expecting their first calves

in March...

Althea and Eloise...

Both of these heifers are Golden Girls...

Elsa (on the left) is the frozen calf.

She is 2 years old and expecting her first calf.

Golden Delicious (on the right) is her sister

and expecting her 2nd calf.

Enjoy the videos of the cattle:

Meet our Heifers Video:

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 

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