Saturday, January 18, 2025

Heart Garland...and Tutorial

I started playing around with hearts this week:


No pattern...just an idea 

I wanted to work through...

Before I knew it I had a heart garland

to hang on a mantel or wall or window, etc.

I pawed through the fabric cupboards

and found some pinks...

so made another Heart Garland...

These are FUN and don't require

a lot of your fabric or your time...

I hung them up on the design wall

for a photo shoot...

I turned my back and there were FOUR !

I ended up making SIX Heart Garlands

and already gave two of them away...

If you want to join in the FUN

here is a tutorial...

5 inch squares of fabric (two for each heart)
Heart Template for Fabric (I made mine from freezer paper)
Batting scraps or Felt (cut into heart shapes)
Heart Template for Batting (smaller than 5 inch template)
Pinking Shears and Scissors
Jute cording
Glue Stick

I cut 2 squares of fabric at a time

with the pinking shears...

I cut out 9 hearts (2 fabrics each for 18 hearts)

The length of jute you need will depend on

how long you want your garland to be...

Stretch out the jute and place one heart shape underneath

(wrong sides of fabric facing you) and apply some glue stick.

place one batting heart shape on top 

and press down...

apply glue stick to the batting...

Place the 2nd heart shape on top 

and press down...

Iron the heart to set the glue...

Topstitch the heart on your sewing machine,

this will hold the jute in place...

Keep adding more hearts, 

leaving and inch or more between them...

I am working on a wool press mat

and use pins to hold the jute in place

for easier handling of the hearts...

Keep adding hearts until your garland

is the desired length.

I leave 12 inches of extra jute on each end...

Cut 1 inch strips of fabrics...

these will be used to create ties...

Place 3 fabric strips in between each heart...

tie the strips in a knot...

Keep going until you fill the garland in with ties,

even at the beginning and end of the jute...

These are a great deal of FUN and

will make great gifts next month for

Valentines Day !

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi