Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Clean Up Cloth.......Sun Printing

My favorite part of working with Textile Paints
is creating
Clean Up Cloths

Click Image to Enlarge:

Clean Up Cloth

Last week, at the end of a painting session, I put all of the
leftover paint on a white piece of fabric.

Sometimes I wet the white fabric first, and sometimes I don't.
This time I left the white fabric dry, then poured the leftover
paint all over it and scrunched up the fabric.
I also sprinkled a little kosher salt on top.

The secret is to put it out in the sun.
That is when the magic happens.
Allow it to completely dry.

When you open it up you have a lovely
batik-like fabric.
Press it with a hot iron to set the paint.

Stewart Gill offers an excellent line of textile paints.
However, so does Pebeo/Setacolors
They all perform well for Sun Printing on Fabric.

I have no affiliation with these products.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view Sunprinting

CLICK HERE to view Rust Dyeing

CLICK HERE to view Flour Paste Resist

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. Very cool LuAnn; I'm anxious to have a day of sun to do just this thing!! Thanks for the info, too!

  2. These are beautiful! A new craft I'm intrigued to learn! As you've said before, the clean up cloth is magical!
