Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pepperdish.......In Progress

Last week I pulled the pizza box labeled "Pepper Dish Quilt" off the shelf and decided I would finish up this project. You can click on the images to enlarge them:

This is a Judy Niemeyer pattern. She is my guru when it comes to paper piecing. I have taken 3 classes from her, and learn something new and valuable each time I see her.
I rarely work with a pattern anymore, preferring to design my own work, but when it comes to paper piecing you need one.........and Judy's are the best out there.

I pulled the completed top out of the pizza box and saw where Judy had signed my quilt top.........2006.........3 years ago I took that class? Time can get away from you.

As always I like to file away my works "in progress" in NEW pizza boxes. Everything for the entire project can be stored away.......pattern, fabrics, glue sticks, wipees to get the glue off my fingers during the applique process, etc.

The next time I yearn to work on this quilt......I pull the pizza box off the shelf, and everything I need is contained inside, no hunting around for supplies...........and I haven't stolen any of the fabric for another project!

I am working on the applique flowers, leaves and stems. In order to get the correct placement of the applique on the quilt, I use a piece of plastic......lay it over my paper pattern.......trace over the entire applique with a felt marker onto the plastic..........that is the shiny surface you see in the image above.

I take the traced-on plastic and place it in the correct spot on my quilt. For this pepper dish quilt, each corner of the quilt will get this same flower applique arrangement.

As I complete the applique shapes, I place them under the plastic, on top of the actual quilt, and this gives me accurate placement of each piece. The plastic will remain on the quilt until each shape has been placed where it belongs.

I have enjoyed working on this quilt again.......I hope to finish up the applique tomorrow........get all the pieces basted down with Roxanne's Baste It Glue........then I will be ready to head for the sewing machine. I plan to blind stitch with smoke invisible thread around all the applique shapes. I don't want the applique stitches to draw much attention to themselves. I plan to do a lot of free motion quilting on this piece, and I don't want the applique stitches to complete with my machine quilting work.

p.s. To see the completed quilt CLICK HERE

To see more tutorials CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

With Sticky Fingers,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Enjoy Your Passions

Banana Leaves
Oregon State Fair 2008

Click Image to Enlarge

Spring has arrived in Oregon. Now begins my frustration of splitting my time up between two of my passions: Flowers and Quilting
I love them both.......but they don't leave much time for the cooking, housework and clean underpants!

Growing flowers gives me an opportunity to explore my third passion of photography.
Flowers have been working their way into my quilts. I am currently working on a sunflower quilt that was inspired by a bed of sunflowers in our yard.

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

To see more posts on gardening CLICK HERE

Enjoy Your Passions,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Quilts in Women's Lives

A documentary style film, Quilts in Women's Lives.  Meet 3 of the 7 women featured in this 15 minute clip.  Click here to view.

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cultivating Creativity

We need to nurture and cultivate our creativity, like a gardener cultivates his flower and vegetable gardens to help them grow. I believe we all have a creative side, we just need to take the time to help it grow and bloom.

Like a writer who gets writer's block, I believe quilters and artists can become stagnant and develop artist's block. This is when we need to cultivate our creative side, start fresh with something new to get us excited and get those juices flowing. When my battery has run low and needs a jump start I try a new technique.......this time instead of creating with textiles.........I chose paper.

Paper Horses

Click Images to Enlarge

The photo above was taken with a flash. This is not the true color. The color is washed out from the flash. However, the flash photo is a better representation of the quilted affect I achieved layering the paper onto batting and backing fabric and free-motion quilting all over it. You can see how the recessed background areas behind the horses have made the horses come forward and puff out a bit. I like this.

This photo was taken without a flash, just some lighting from the side. This is the true color of the paper horses, and you can see the actual stitching lines from the quilting in more detail.

This afternoon project was just what I needed. I found a horse book at the thrift store for one dollar. I brought it home and cut out all the images that caught my eye. This part of the process was the most fun.........I think because I felt as if I was doing something that I shouldn't be was so therapeutic. It was especially joyful to listen to the needle popping in and out of the paper as I sewed through it. I highly recommend this is a wonderful release.

I found a video tutorial on youtube that is similar to how I created this paper quilt. If you are interested click here to view it. I chose to sandwich my paper horses with batting and fabric backing and machine quilt through all three layers and bind it.

I hope you will give this a try...........cultivate your creativity and help it grow.

To see more tutorials CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

I'll sign off for now......I have books to cut up and sew,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Introducing Gunnr

I guess it is time I introduced Gunnr. He lives with us. He was a package deal. Our son moved back home 18 months ago.........and he wasn't alone.

Click images to enlarge........

Gunnr 10 weeks old

Gunnr and our son, Nicholas

6 months later.........Gunnr.......has grown

He is a gentle giant, he adores our Jack Russell, Suzy and makes us laugh every day!

" Me Got Sock "

3 years ago when our beloved Red Heeler, Cowgirl left us, we decided not to get another dog. Our children were grown, we had some freedom to travel and roam around, and no commitments here at home. That was the plan.

Nicholas moved back home to finish school and brought his puppy Gunnr with him. To make a long story short.......a year later when Nicholas moved back to town, his dad wished him well, even helped him move all of his belongings into his new apartment and informed him that Gunnr would be living at our house.

To see more posts about home CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

This place has gone to the dogs!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Quilts In Gardens Tour

Quilts In Gardens Tour.........A Virtual Quilt Show..........Enjoy the View!

Click on the images to enlarge them and see the details.......

Need a burst of inspiration? Attend a quilt will get your creative juices flowing! This quilt show is extra fun outdoors. The gardens are such a gorgeous setting for the quilts.

I will dig around in my photo files and find a few more photos from this garden tour.
I will post them soon.

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

Until Then.........May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Spectators

Click on this image to enlarge it...........

You will see the red barn in the center of the photo.....just to the left is a small yellow building......this is the Thread Shed.....built in 2000 by my husband. This is where I spend most of my time. I have a lovely view of Marys Peak as I sit at my sewing machine; I can watch the horses munching on hay in the barn and listen to the hens clucking softly. I am also being watched........I can just feel it. I have become a spectator sport. When the windows are open I can hear them breathing as they watch me. I am never alone......the spectators are always there.

This is my view out the window of the Thread Shed. Yes, these are the spectators. I think the hum of the sewing machine grabs their attention. They push each other around trying to get the best view through the big picture window. They can spend hours watching me make quilts.......I am never alone.

Hanging clothes on the line also fascinates the spectators.......

Jockey shorts, t-shirts and most any kind of laundry can really draw a crowd around this place..........I am never alone.

In the spring they watch me plant the garden and tend to the flowerbeds. They are very interested when Brad is BBQ-ing on the patio out back. Our children are grown and no longer live at home, but we will never really be alone...........the spectators are always watching.

When I am not making quilts, I am somewhere here on the farm with my camera.

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Suzy.....the Quilting Doggie

Suzy is my quilting companion out in the Thread Shed. The hum of the sewing machines puts her right to sleep. Click on image above to enlarge it.

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

Bye For Now,
LuAnn and Suzy in The Thread Shed

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Speaking Through Your Hands, Heart & Soul

A Letter to Brad From Cowgirl: A Loyal, Loving Red Heeler

I came to live with you when I was just a pup. You are the best friend a dog could ever have. I rode shotgun for you the rest of my life, and what a life it was!
Our days began and ended in a ride in Big Blue. We rode along together down the bumpy gravel road. You drove and I watched the pedals. We had many adventures together fixing fence, feeding cattle, going to the sheep barn. You never had to look for me, I was always right there by your side. You were the most important person in my life. Gosh, you were my life!
Everyone was my friend. I was always happy to greet people with a wag and a lick wherever we would go. But it was you that I was devoted to. I would wait outside the barn door for hours for you, and would wag my tail when I saw you come out.
I'm sorry I couldn't stay any longer, but we were lucky to have 14 years together. And, I'll still be waiting at the barn door until I see you coming through.
I Love You,

"Cowgirl" By LuAnn Kessi
A framed memory quilt 18 x 24
My husband's red heeler dog was a loyal companion for many years.
This photo transfer quilt was made to honor Cowgirl and her significance in our family.

Click on the image to enlarge it.......

I chose to express my memories in fabric and thread. It is my way of speaking through my hands, my heart and my soul.

Jimmy Stewart chose to express the memories about his dog Beau in poem. Click on his name to view the video.

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

To see more photo transfer work CLICK HERE

From My Heart To Yours,