Saturday, January 7, 2023

Improv Stars...Design Wall


I have been stitching together

Improv Star components since November...

Now that the design wall is cleared off,

it is time to put them up on the wall...

These go together like a jigsaw puzzle...

the star blocks are not square,

they intersect one another.

I have a limited amount of the

black and white surface design fabric

that I created, so I don't know

how far I can go with this design...

15 Star Blocks up on the wall...

Time to cut out the background fabric

and fill it in to create an edge treatment

around the star blocks...

At this point, the left side corner

has the background fabric

placed around the edges...

All 24 star blocks are on the wall

and I am hoping I will have enough

of the background fabric for

the bottom edge....

Whew....I made it!

Not sure if there will be an additional

edge treatment at this point,

but it is ready to be pieced together.

The seams are every 2.5 inches apart...

this will take some time to piece.

Our neighbor has these cool looking cattle:

It lives across the road from one of our barn lots.

Very Friendly !

Look at those!

CLICK HERE to view Improv Stars...Part 1

CLICK HERE: view all Improv posts

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Friday, January 6, 2023

High Horses.....Quilt Top DONE

I started this Horse Panel Quilt top

in September...


I was so happy to finish it and get it off

the design wall that I forgot to get a photo,

so here it is on the ironing board...

It took a few weeks to cut and piece

all of those Bear Paw blocks in the borders...

I put the final mustard yellow border on it

and I am calling it done!

Actually, I am calling it

High Horse

Need to find a backing for it.

Look what Santa left under the tree:

Massage Chair Pad

After a few hours of stitching

I turn this on and...

I can stitch for a few hours more!

CLICK HERE to see all my Horse Quilts

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi