Tuesday, October 18, 2022

In The Back Yard...

We have had a warm, sunny and beautiful autumn

and the dahlias in the back yard are loving it...


This is a 30 foot flower bed chock full of

dinner plate dahlias....yes, they are giant!

We have enjoyed their gorgeous, saturated colors

for several months now...

They love the warm days and cool nights...

These are a riot of color !

The Western Oregon RAINS are coming soon...

If I wait until after it rains...

this flower bed will be wet and slimy

and awful to clean out.

The dahlias are beautiful but...

they gotta go !

Poof !

Just like that.....the flower bed is cleaned out.

Time to haul off the wheelbarrows of flowers.

I planted this Iris flower bed 20 years ago

in front of the house:

It is time to move them to the back yard...

New Iris Bed:

I dug up the iris plants in the front yard,

separated the rhizomes, 

there must have been 1,000,

shared them with my friends and family...

and replanted some in the back yard.

150 newly planted iris...

They will bloom next June and look like this !

The Cowboy put up a temporary fence

around the new iris bed...

the chickens wanted to get in there so badly

and scratch around.....Naughty Chickens !


The grape arbor in the back yard

is putting on a show this time of year...

Grape Leaf

Just as beautiful as any flower could be...

The raccoons ate all of the grapes !

It is time to trim the arbor.

The goats could not resist coming over

to check out the flower garden clippings !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. What a magnificent display of dinner plate dahlias!!! I’m sure the iris display will be equally beautiful next spring. It’s beginning to get colder here in Massachusetts, but I’m still enjoying lots of color in my yard. . . that is until we have our first killing frost :-( . Happy Autumn!

    1. Hi Janice, It always hurts a little to clean out the flower beds when the weather is still so beautiful, but I thank myself when the rain and freeze comes. Enjoy your flowers!


  2. Beautiful flowers!!!

  3. The flowers are gorgeous!
