Thursday, July 19, 2018

Stitching and Sign Making...

Making time for stitching...

Over the summer I have squirreled away 

enough time to piece together

113 Crosscut Quilt Blocks...

In 90 degree weather,

the box fan runs steady in the Thread Shed

Today, I am trimming up the

crosscut blocks...

A revolving cutting surface works best...

It saves time, is more accurate and 

is easier on your body...

All trimmed up...

112 more crosscut blocks to trim...

On the farming side of our lives...

We recently moved our cow and calf pairs 

to summer pasture.

They are on open range now,

which means they use the road 

to cross between our pastures.

It was time to make new signs 

to post on the road.

2 signs are needed:

One sign is posted on each end of the road...

We are hoping this will slow down the log trucks 

this summer, as well as the hunters this fall.

Our cow and calf pairs will remain 

on Open Range grazing until 

we move them the end of the year.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Your blocks are looking wonderful. Sure hope people slow down on your gravel road!!

  2. LuAnn, You amaze me with all you get done. I learn so much from you, not just about art, but ranching. Thanks for the update. Love seeing the cows moving down the road.

    1. Thanks Lynda! I get so much done because the Cowboy is a real worker and gets so much done. We feed off of each other.

  3. I've seen those turn tables used by other quilters. I can see where it would certainly be more efficient and easier! Gotta keep those cattle safe!!!

  4. Hi everyone, I haven't been receiving any blogger comments for several months now. I thought everyone was having a fun and busy summer and wasn't reading the blog.....just today I discovered lots and lots of blogger comments waiting for my moderation. Not sure how that happened? I will try and respond to any questions you had....which may take me awhile to get through several months of comments, but I will peck away at it a little each day. Sorry for the lack of communication on my part. Happy to see all of the comments waiting for me. My Best To You, LuAnn Kessi in Western Oregon
