Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Messy Painted Aprons....P2P Class

The Permission 2 Play class is creating

Messy Painted Aprons

They rolled on a layer of acrylic craft paint.

then stamped several more layers of paint...

Every student painted on every apron...

Adding detail with Sharpie Paint Markers...

The students did not know which apron 

would be theirs

until the end of class...

When all of the 5 layers of painting 

and stamping is complete,

the aprons are turned over to the back side...

Without seeing the front side of the apron,

each student chooses their own apron.

No matter which apron you choose...

they are all beautiful and FUN to wear!

They are just as much FUN to create

as they are to wear!

It is so relaxing to sit and draw

the detail work with the paint pens...

 A BIG Thank You

to OSU Folk Club Thrift Store: