Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baby Feathers Quilt......Done

We had a gorgeous sunny day here in Western Oregon!

While I was waiting for the dew to dry off the grass,
so I could mow the lawn...

I ran out to the Thread Shed to put in the
last few stitches on my sister's baby quilt:

I am ready to pass this back to my sister so she can
sew on the binding and label.

I stitched curls into the inner border...

Loops stitched on the final green border...

This was a lot of FUN !

Keeping with the PINK theme...

Look what is blooming just outside the door
of the Thread Shed...


After a long and wet winter,
it is finally SPRING and time to MOW the lawn!

No Quilting for me tomorrow...
I am joining my friends for a
Quilt Shop Hop Trip

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: ALL Baby Quilt Posts

CLICK HERE to view: Sweet Sixteen Mid-Arm Sit Down Machine

CLICK HERE to view: My Very First Quilt....1987

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. Just a adorable quilt and your camellias and just beautiful !

  2. Oh, pink and green, my favorite combination. Love your loops and swirls! Happy Spring!
