Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Working Cattle.....Spring 2024

It is Spring here in Western Oregon...

time to get the cattle worked

Today we are working the heifers...

heifers are the females who have just had

their very first calf.

The cow and calf pairs are herded into the corral

then sorted into different pens.

Mamas in one pen, calves in the other.

They don't like to be separated,

so they start bawling and it gets loud !

We have a tiny chute just for the calves...

it keeps them secure and safe so we can

get them worked quickly and back with their

mamas in just a few minutes.

This is our work table, the tailgate of the pick up.

I keep it organized so we can work efficiently 

and get the cattle back out into 

the pasture quickly.

Fly Tags...

These are ear tags that help keep the

flies off the cattle.

Cattle Vaccines...

These medications help prevent lots of

different cattle diseases as well pneumonia.

The calves are all done so it is time

to run the heifers through the chute...

We try and choose a cool, overcast day

to work the cattle...

This is Eleanor...2 year old heifer

I was there the day she was born.

Now she has her own baby and she is

such a great mama.

The Cowboy is putting fly tags on Elsa...

Yes, Elsa is the Frozen Calf.

She is now a year old and a very big girl !

Once the cattle have been worked,

we put them out to summer pasture

with the bulls to be bred. 

We have been working cattle for several days now

and we have one more group of cows to work

then we can concentrate on getting 

the hay equipment ready.

We will be making hay before we know it.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. That sounds like a lot of work!
    I'm glad you take such good care of them.

    1. Hi Marilyn, We work the cattle Spring and Fall. We take good care of them and they take good care of us.
