Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Vintage Christmas Quilt...


This is my latest project

when I meet with my local

quilting tribe...

Vintage Christmas

It took several days to cut out all of the pieces:

How much do I love these pick up trucks !

This pattern was nicely written

and so easy to follow...

All 5 pick up trucks have been completed...

Now it is time to piece the big trees:

Big and smaller trees...

All of the units have been pieced together...

It is time to cut the sashing strips,

but that is for next time.

Yes, I am desperately in need of a new design wall.

The kitty cat shredded this one....eek!

Here is your Super Cuteness for the day:

Baby Tree Swallow

We put a bird house on the patio and

now there are baby birds in it....FUN!

One of the babies jumped out and up

on top of the bird house...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi 


  1. That is such a cute quilt!
    the babies are so pretty.

    1. Thanks Marilyn. Our grandson requested a Christmas Quilt.
      Happy Summer,
