Friday, May 3, 2024

The Wedding Quilt...

We live along the Big Elk River...

When we rise in the morning, 

we see the Elk through the fog,

grazing just outside the yard fence...

The Elk are calving right now and will 

bring their calves into our hay fields in June...

Two winters ago an orphan elk calf took up

with our cow herd and ate hay right off

the hay truck when we fed each morning...

When you live in this little valley,

you learn to live with the elk...

Our neighbors are getting married in August...

They also live along the Big Elk River...

This Elk quilt will be just right for them !

We are still calving now.  No time to run out

and purchase the perfect fabrics,

so I am pawing through the fabric cupboards

and making do with what I already have.

The quilt is coming together bit by bit.

We have been calving 

for more than 2 months now...

still feeding cattle in the mornings

and checking for newborn calves 

several times a day...

The first time heifers have just begun

to have their calves....3 babies so far.

This is Eleanor with her very first calf.

She is a wonderful mother.  It is a pleasure

to watch her care for her calf.

View my Instagram feed HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. That is going to be a gorgeous quilt!

    1. Thank you Marilyn! I will keeping stitching a little here and there and see if I can get it done in time for the wedding this summer.

  2. What a beautiful quilt and I think the fabrics from your stash are absolutely perfect for this quilt. It is going to be stunning and I'm sure the Newlyweds will love and treasure it for many decades to come.
    You are certainly getting a lot of new calves to join your herd this year and so nice to see the first time mothers being good at it too!

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comments dgs. Much appreciated!

  3. Your neighbors will be very pleased with this beautiful quilt. And I agree with DGS: you only need to shop in your own stash to find the perfect fabrics. This morning I was very sad: the front page of my paper was showing a cow struggling in the flood waters here in Central Texas. Ranchers have lost many heads of cattle and their fences have been destroyed too. Hope you are safe on your ranch with all those new little ones and their mamas. Annick H.

    1. Hi Annick,
      Mother Nature is not always kind to us. You can only try to be prepared for anything, but sometimes that isn't enough. All our babies are doing just fine. We have 2 weeks left in our calving season and then we can prepare for making hay in June and July.
