My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, July 10, 2021

We are back at it....


The Cowboy and I are in the hay fields today...

We are back at it !

I am on the Ford Tractor.....raking hay

Hay Rake

Kind of looks like a carnival ride to me !

The John Deere has all 4 tires today...

The Cowboy is following me baling up the hay !

Those beautiful bales are popping out of the baler

as fast as they can !

Progress !

We are making up for lost time.

The foxgloves grow along the fences

in the hay fields...

The Queen Anne's Lace grow like weeds

along the road side...

Life is Good !

Enjoy the video:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. There is something special to me to see a field with hay bales. I know it is a lot of work, but so pretty and such a good sign of things to come. All the happy cows and other animals it will keep well fed. Great photos. I wasn't sure what the Queen Anne's Lace was called. Beautiful weed.

    1. Oh, hay bales in the field....they make you feel rich! The cattle will be well fed this coming winter.

      Many thanks for your lovely comments,

  2. Before the harrowbed would come and stack our rectangular bales, I just to love to ride my horse in the field and use the bales like barrels, working on using my knees to guide my boy. I will miss not doing that any more. Bales in the field are money in the bank for you...they mean you won't be buying hay during the winter to feed your cows!! Love the smell of freshly-cut field of hay!

  3. Yes, there is something about being in a hay field, before it is cut....after it is mowed and laying down flat and green, when it is raked it rows....when the bales are laying in the field.....all stages of the hay field are wonderful. Yes, the smell is enchanting.

