My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Improv 9 Patch......Design Wall Progress


This Improv 9 Patch continues to be my

summer piecing project:

This is what it looked like the last time

you saw it...

Here it is today:

I have been adding more white blocks

around the edges...

I need to piece a few more white blocks

for the bottom edge.

I will eventually add solid white blocks

around all of the edges and the quilt

will fade away to completely white

and the colored blocks will appear to float

in the center.....that's the plan anyway.

All of the hay fields have been mowed,

raked and baled...

We are now gathering up all of the bales

and hauling them to the barns

for winter storage...

We will begin feeding this hay to the

cattle this autumn...

Across the fence from the hay field,

is our yearling cattle.

Behind the yearlings is our place.

This does look like the lazy dayz of summer...

CLICK HERE to view all Improv Posts

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CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. It is looking great. Can't wait to see it together and how you will quilt it. Thanks for the Bloglovin reminder. I have changed my blog as well. I think it is going to work out well. It seems that it will eliminate a lot of emails and we can keep up to date on blogs all at once. I did follow you!

  2. Loving your quilt and I can't wait to see it finished!! Looks like the perfect days of summer!!!

  3. I love how this is turning out. Cannot wait to see your vision as you continue to work on it. :-)

    1. Yes, I am anxious to get back to work on this improv piece. We had a medical emergency in our family a few weeks ago and I have been away from home. I will post as soon as I get to stitching again.

      Many Thanks for your comment,

  4. Hey LuAnne, I'm very sorry for your family emergence but I'm greatly relieved you're okay. What with the Bootleg Fire and Covid......

    Maggie in WA

    1. Many Thanks for your concern Maggie. Our oldest son is now out of the hospital after an accident at work. He is on the mend. Our youngest son a wild land fire fighting in Montana this summer. All is good here on the ranch once again.

      Take Good Care,
