My Tips n Techniques

Friday, July 9, 2021

Life in the Hay Field...


Now you see it...

Now you don't...

Tractors don't move very fast on 3 wheels !

How sad is this ???

The Cowboy is using the tractor 

to handle the tire...

Tractor tires are full of calcium 

to weigh them down,

which keeps the tractor from being top heavy

and tipping over while on un-level ground.

The calcium makes them very heavy and 

almost impossible to move.

It took several hours to get this tire back in place...

While the guys work on the tractor

I am heading for home...

and....the Thread Shed

This is waiting for me at home:

Improv 9 Patch

The block count is now at 107 blocks:

I need to fill in on the right side with

blue, yellow and purple blocks.

A few more pink and red blocks at the bottom.

Then lots more white blocks on the edges.

We have a new rooster:

The hens are showing him around the place !

His name is......Lucas

He is a handsome fella...

It was wonderful to hear him crow this morning !

Back to the hay fields tomorrow...

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CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I can not help bu admire your energy! And I never know what I enjoy the most: your quilts, the work on the farm, or your animals. It all speaks to me. Lucas is beautiful and I hope the hens will "fight" over him!!! Annick H.

  2. Farmers certain have to be a jack of all trades!! That machinery will break down and it certainly saves a lot of time and money if you know how to put it back together!! Cowboy was doing good to only be down a few days! It will be nice to get this hay off the field so he can do other things for the next month...when y'all will be back at the hay! Hope you get 4 good cuttings this year! Beautiful quilt you have going there!!
