My Tips n Techniques

Monday, July 5, 2021

Improv 9 Patch......Improvising


The Improv 9 Patch is evolving...

Design Wall 1

I just placed the blocks on the wall
as I made them...

no real design in mind.

Design Wall 2

Removed the Gray Blocks

Moved the blocks to travel diagonal
from top left to bottom right by color family

Adding white blocks to the outer edges

Design Wall 3

Adding more blocks with white centers
to lighten up the center area of the quilt.

Adding more white blocks to the outside edges.

Staggered the blocks so they are not in even rows.

I like the staggered rows, not so rigid looking.

More white brightens up the center.

The staggered rows create 

an uneven edge treatment.

I like that a lot.

I am improving as I go...

I do love to tweek and make changes on the fly !

Design Wall 4

This is as far as I got yesterday....87 Blocks

The quilt continues to tell me what it needs...

all I need to do is listen to it.

We are nearly half way done with hay season.

The cows are out on summer pasture.

We are looking forward to traveling in August.

I hope you are making time 

to do what you love this summer...

CLICK HERE to view all Improv Posts

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CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Because of the recent hot weather in the Northwest, I have been worried about you and your cattle. Since you didn't mention the weather and possible hardship in your always upbeat blog, I am currious to know how you all fared. Hope you are all doing fine and can look forward to a vacation. All the best from Texas. Annick H.

    1. Many thanks for your concern. It was 110 degrees here...very strange for our part of the world. Unfortunately, many of my flowers fried....the poor lily buds are brown and I am sure will never bloom. The fir trees are all singed, the needles turned brown, but I am sure the trees will recover and be fine next season. The livestock shaded up down by the river and stayed as cool as they could. We decided to stay off the tractors and out of the hay fields, too much fire danger. It quickly cooled off and is now in the 70's and low 80's so we are back at it in the hay fields and making some progress. The Cowboy has lived here all his life and has never remembered ever having 110 degrees. This part of the world is just not set up for that temp.

      My Best To You,

    2. I am glad your family and animals did well even though nature cooked up around you. What strange weather we have had all over the US. We froze badly in Texas this winter, even though we were lucky at our house since we didn't loose electricity and only lost water for less than a day. Others were not so fortunate. Hope you can catch up on your farm chores and still be able to take that well earned vacation. Annick H.

    3. Many thanks for your concern and well wishes. Yes, other parts of the country are suffering, especially with wild fires. Our son is a wild land fire fighter and his crew is getting ready to be shipped off to a fire any day. All we can do is keep our fire truck out in the hay fields with us while we are running the tractors and equipment. A few more weeks and we should be ready to put all those hay bales in the barn for winter storage.

      My Best To You,

  2. So glad you came through the horrible heat wave!! It was 116 at home, so many suffered through that awful time. Having your creek running through your farm is definitely a life-saver for your livestock! Hope you stay safe from all the fires that are sweeping through the west, from California to Alaska. On your improv 9P, will you bind that baby with the uneven edge or will you trim it to make it a straight edge? So fun to see you create such a diversity of beautiful things in your Thread Shed!

    1. Howdy Farm Quilters,
      Oh, you do like to make work for me with binding those uneven edges! That thought crossed my mind for a split second and then I said....nah! Many Thanks for your concern about our heat wave. We will keep on trucking along. It won't be long and hay season will be behind us.

      Wishing you a beautiful summer,

  3. nice play after all of that hard work with the hay!

    1. Hey Tammy,
      Many thanks for your kind words. I am enjoying playing with those improv blocks.

      Take Care,

  4. These blocks are so much fun! I hope you have a great trip in August.

    1. Hi Vicki, Yes, those improv blocks are great FUN! It never gets design as you go on the fly !

      Have a GREAT Summer,
