My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Improv 9 Patch......Progress


We are 2 weeks into Hay Season...

I mowed the 4th hay field today...

The Cowboy has baled the 1st two fields so far...

In between mowing hay...

I have been spending time listening to

the hum of my sewing machines...

a few minutes here, a few minutes there.

It all adds up !

I have been making more 

Improv 9 Patch Blocks...

This is the meager solid fabric stash

I started out with...

I have been hard at work adding to my solids...

Now how FUN is this !

I also found a Kona Solid Fabric color card...

365 yummy colors !

In my non-haying time I stitched:

Green Blocks...

Red & Pink Blocks...

Purple Blocks...

Orange Blocks...

65 Blocks up on the Design Wall

The blocks measure 5 inches

I couldn't handle the gray blocks...

my eye kept sticking there every time I looked

at the design wall....

they are too flat, too dull...

they had to go.

I started moving the blocks around...

I am angling them from top left

down to bottom right by color family.

I am making lots of white blocks

for the border treatment.

I want the quilt to fade out to solid white

on the outside edges.

It's a plan...we will see how it shakes out !

In the mean time,

I will keep making hay and quilt blocks:

I trim all of the blocks to make them wonky...

This adds up to a lot of trimmings...

I plan to use them as skinny slivers

in the rest of my improv projects.

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CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Hey LuAnn. It's a relief to hear from you and know you made it through the heat wave. Y'all had it worse than we did (WA) and it was awful here. Are your animals okay, too?


    1. Hi Maggie, Yes, we made it through 110 degree weather. The hottest we have ever had in our part of the country. The animals all shaded up in the trees along the river to keep out of the direct sun. A lot of my flowers were burned up. The fir trees have their needles all singed off and they are turning brown. Our hay fields are suffering a bit. Many thanks for your concern. We are hanging in there!

