My Tips n Techniques

Monday, February 4, 2019

Hexagon Table Runner....

It's time for a new...

Hexagons.....always a favorite to hand piece

This is what 170 hexagons looks like

This is how big they are...

A hexagon is measured by one of the sides...

1  1/2 inches along one of the 6 sides

I use a glue stick to baste the fabric to the 

paper hexagon

I am using 20+ fabrics...

some of them are my hand dyes

some of them are commercial batiks

they are all bright and cheerful...

which I need on these gray, rainy days of winter

here in Western Oregon

This table runner will brighten up our kitchen

And so it begins...

so far, the fabrics are getting along...

this color story is working...

I will keep going

The runner will be 16 inches wide

I will be taking this with me when I travel,

so I pinned the hexagons 

to a piece of muslin...

The hexagons will stay in order

as I sew them...

they will NOT be sewn to the muslin

16 x 66 inches

is just the right size to carry the

hexagon table runner.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. That is going to be a fabulous table runner...definitely will brighten the gray, gloomy days left this winter! I love your bag!!!
