My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Discharging Hand Dyes w/Stencils

It is hay season here in Western Oregon

I am not in front of my sewing machine...

I am behind the wheel of an 

International  Tractor...

I spent 6 hours mowing 

our first hay field...

4 more fields to go.

The yearling cattle kept me company all day.

Getting the hay crop in 

will take a couple of weeks.

In the mean time, here are some

new fabrics I created by

discharging my hand dyes with stencils...

These are mostly half yard cuts of fabric:

This is an IKEA cake decorating stencil:

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Discharging Hand Dyes.....Again

I discharged some hand dyes last week...

I put a few up on the design wall

This composition is about 6 feet tall...

I am working quite large.

In the interest of using up my

discharge paste before it expires...

I had another go at discharging my hand dyes:

I love all of her stuff!

This is a sliding pleat hand dye....very bright.

It discharged nicely.


Feather Stencil.....Fat quarter hand dye

Discharge paste brushed on


Discharge paste brushed on

Brushed on dark black hand dye

Dark Black Hand Dye

Previously soy wax resist hand dye

Brushed on discharge paste X

Discharge paste stamped on with a

toilet paper roll....then dragged on fabric.

Stamped with a very large stencil brush

Hand painted X

Hand painted circle.....18 inches

Can you tell I was enjoying myself?

I dug deep in the fabric cupboard

for dark hand dyes to discharge...

It was a day.....well spent!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Monday, June 19, 2017

More Abstract Art Quilt Cards.....

Since my work table was still set up for

Abstract Art Quilt

Inspiration Cards...

I couldn't resist making more!

This time it was just Kathi and I...

We spent a lovely day handing index cards 

back and forth to each other 

adding more fabrics with each round...

We ended up with another table full of

inspiration cards for our upcoming

Abstract Art Quilt Project.

Here are close up images of

2 cards at a time:

Kathi and I took turns choosing a few 

of our favorite cards...

the rest we plan to share with our friends.

:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi