My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Discharging Hand Dyes w/Stencils

It is hay season here in Western Oregon

I am not in front of my sewing machine...

I am behind the wheel of an 

International  Tractor...

I spent 6 hours mowing 

our first hay field...

4 more fields to go.

The yearling cattle kept me company all day.

Getting the hay crop in 

will take a couple of weeks.

In the mean time, here are some

new fabrics I created by

discharging my hand dyes with stencils...

These are mostly half yard cuts of fabric:

This is an IKEA cake decorating stencil:

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Wow they are gorgeous ! good starting points ;-)

  2. WOW! I'm sending this link and your previous link to a blog friend to check out!

  3. Hi LuAnn. I love all your discharged fabrics. Can you tell me the ratio of bleach to water that you use to discharge? What do you use to stop the discharging process? Do you just paint the bleach solution on with a paint brush or sponge? Love your work!!!

  4. Hi Daryl,
    I am using Jacquard Discharge Paste. I am painting it on with a brush, rolling it on with a foam roller. When it is completely dry, you steam iron it until you get the discharge you desire. Then wash the fabric. It is a very simple process.
    Many Thanks for your comment,

  5. Love the fabrics you have created!!! I can't wait to see what you do with them! Freshly mowed of the best smells in the world! I know that I love to ride my horse through a field that has just been mowed and breathe deeply! It takes us about a week from the time the hay is mowed until we start irrigating it again...if it doesn't rain and delay the baling (which it seems to always do - makes me wonder if they pay any attention to the weather forecasts).

  6. The weather never cooperates at hay time, especially here in the coastal mountain range of Western Oregon. We are only 15 miles from the coast, as the crow flies, so we are greatly influenced by the coastal weather.

    Many Thanks for your comment,

    LuAnn Kessi

  7. Beautiful pics of your pasture. It takes more time to mow with a tractor than anyone could imagine. I assume that you also have a hay bailer as well?

    I really enjoyed looking at the beautiful fabric you have made and some of the projects you have completed with it. You may have tempted me to try this process.

  8. Hello Pamela,
    I do love my time in the hay fields. I do the mowing, my father in law does the raking, my husband does the baling. Discharging Fabric with the Jacquard product is so simple. I share a link to a video tutorial in my posts. Once you watch the video you can see what a simple process it is to discharge your fabrics. The darker the fabric the better the results. It works wonderful on dark hand dyes, but is also great on dark commercial fabrics…..especially batiks.

    Many Thanks for your comment,

    LuAnn Kessi

  9. Late reading this post, but had to comment on the brown piece with 'rocks' on it. I think I would have to keep that one intact and bring it out every so often to gaze on. But they are all wonderful.
