My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Discharging Hand Dyes.....Again

I discharged some hand dyes last week...

I put a few up on the design wall

This composition is about 6 feet tall...

I am working quite large.

In the interest of using up my

discharge paste before it expires...

I had another go at discharging my hand dyes:

I love all of her stuff!

This is a sliding pleat hand dye....very bright.

It discharged nicely.


Feather Stencil.....Fat quarter hand dye

Discharge paste brushed on


Discharge paste brushed on

Brushed on dark black hand dye

Dark Black Hand Dye

Previously soy wax resist hand dye

Brushed on discharge paste X

Discharge paste stamped on with a

toilet paper roll....then dragged on fabric.

Stamped with a very large stencil brush

Hand painted X

Hand painted circle.....18 inches

Can you tell I was enjoying myself?

I dug deep in the fabric cupboard

for dark hand dyes to discharge...

It was a day.....well spent!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. You've got so many great fabrics there!

  2. WOW! Purple and brown rock discharge looking pieces are fabulous!!! So are others but those are my favorites!!! Working larger is sometimes so liberating isn't it!!!

  3. Awesome fabrics you are creating!! I would have a hard time cutting them up!

  4. Love your discharging! I was just thinking about doing some the other day. Another thing I need to get back into. Again, as always, thanks for the inspiration.
