My Tips n Techniques

Monday, March 13, 2017

Thread Shed.....

We are over @ the cow barn this morning...

Looking across the river  in the distance, 

you can see our place....see the red barn

The red barn is on the right...

To the left of the barn is a 

little yellow building,

that's my Thread Shed

Here is a photo from above our place:

Double Click to enlarge

See the red barn in the center of photo?

The thread shed is to the right of it.

Way over on the right are the cow barns.

Thread Shed

The cowboy built this in 2000

I can't believe I have been sewing in here 

for 17 years!

To the right of the Thread Shed

is the Little Red Hen House...

In the summer months,

Hollyhocks grow along the side 

of the Thread Shed

There is always lots going on inside...

I sit in front of the big window to sew...

see the red barn

Sometimes the cattle come into the corral

and keep me company...

The Sweet Sixteen sit-down long arm

is on the left side of the room...

When I sew, I have a view of the design wall.

Once calving is over this spring,

I will have more time 

to spend in the Thread Shed.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Beautiful spread you guys own; I love your Thread Shed--you have lots of space and a lovely view, too. I have (what was) a small bedroom and am using a used-to-be-closet that the hubster shelved up for me to store my fabric stash...He also took an old 4-drawer cabinet and put a cutting table on the top for me. Small but cozy...thanks for sharing your space with us...hugs, Julierose P.S. what is that sunflowery top I spy? Yummy...;)))

  2. 30 years ago when I bought my first sewing machine, a used Singer, I sewed in a closet in the bedroom. I have lots of fond memories of the start of my sewing journey.

    Many thanks for your comment,


  3. Looks like a happy beautiful place!

  4. What a beautiful ranch and valley. Your Thread Shed is a wonderful getaway. I'll have to plant hollyhocks this year.

  5. Oh you live in such a beautiful setting! I know it's a lot of work to keep up that much land but it must be a joy to wake up there every day.

  6. What a wonderful, peaceful looking farm and of course the 'thread shed' is the bomb!! I can see why you create so much! You work hard so you should get to play hard too!

  7. The Thread Shed is so comfy looking. I have a great sewing room. I'm still trying to organize it after being here for over two years, but the urge to sew is stronger than my urge to organize!

  8. What a beautiful picture of where you live!! I love your Thread Shed and the inside is so bright and colorful. It's so pretty. I sew in front of a big window too, I just wish I could look out and see cows, that's so cool. Hugs,

  9. Many Thanks for all of your very kind comments. We do love our home and never take it for granted. We are stewards of this land and respect it and take good care of it.
    My Best To You,

  10. How beautiful your place is in these photos! I think, if I lived there, I'd never want to leave . . . And, your Thread Shed!! Lovely! Thank you for sharing.
