My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Babysitter.....

This is the babysitter...

She is watching over more than her own baby...

Some of the other mama cows have 

stashed their babies with her 

while they go out and graze in the pasture...

When she gets hungry,

she will leave her baby with another mama.

This is heifer calf Number 2...

she was born 2 weeks ago.

I love that peaceful face.

You can view a video taken this morning

while doing cattle chores.


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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. You have gone from snow to rain now a dry day. Where abouts are you on the West coast. Do you get much snow in the winter?

  2. LuAnn, Again, love the videos. How many calves are you expecting? Love seeing moms taking care of other's babies.

  3. Hi Ally,

    We are in the coastal mountain range of western Oregon, about 15 miles from the coast as the crow flies. We are in a valley 200 feet above sea level so we don't get much snow, this is the first snowfall we have had in 3 years. We average 130 inches of rain per year.......eek.....that's too much!
    Many Thanks for your comment,

  4. Another fun Cow factoid - I had no idea Cows relied on babysitting service. They are so intelligent. Thanks for sharing your great photos and insights.


  5. OK, is it just me or did that first mama cow have a problem walking? Geezzz am I paranoid or what! HA Calves are so sweet and I loved seeing the cow scratch against the bale of hay! Thanks so much for all the photo's and movies! Such a joy to see!!

  6. There is a rock road from the cow barn out toward the pasture. The cows don't like to walk on the rock, it is ouchy for them. The cattle have sore feet this time of year from all the rain and mud.

  7. Cow families are so cool. Babysitting services...ha ha. That is so cute!
