My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Raw Edge Baby Quilts.....Machine Quilting

Day 4......Baby Quilts

The borders are on both baby quilts...

I had enough of the background fabric 

to use for outer borders.

Baby Quilt 2 has borders

Ralph seems to like the baby quilts

I found 2 flannel fabrics in the cupboard

to use for backings:

I spray basted both quilts and they are 

ready to go under the needle!

The layered hearts in the center of each block 

are only glued down.

I machine quilted them leaving the edges free

to unravel in the washer and dryer.

The background is heavily quilted 

with tiny swirls...

The outer borders are quilted with large spirals...

The quilts will be washed and dried 3 times

so they will shrink up, the edges will fray

 and get very soft and yummy.

It is 6:00 and I am ready to 

head home for the day.

Tomorrow I will quilt the pink heart quilt.

The quilt on the left is un-quilted.

The quilt on the right is quilted...

The quilting definitely makes the Quilt!

Ralph is really checking out my quilting stitches:

He makes me a bit paranoid 

about my quilting skills!

More Tomorrow...

:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. What fabulous quilts! The quilt top is lovely, even before the quilting, but after it is amazing!

  2. LuAnn, always love your posts. Question: what batting do you use? I worry with my baby quilts that if I quilt densely they will get stiff?

  3. Ralph looks quite intent. Does he ever make you nervous that he will impale a paw? I often see cats as "sewing helpers" and wonder if they can be trusted to keep their paws to themselves! Sweet kitty. Sweet quilts, too!
