My Tips n Techniques

Friday, July 27, 2012

Quilting Designs.....Sketch Book

Sometimes I just doodle in my
Sketch Books of Quilting Designs...

And....sometimes I want to explore a doodle further...

On the left side of the page....I simplified the doodle

On the right side I filled in the design with plumes

Left side.....doodle

Right side.....filled in with plumes

I have sketch books all over the house and in
the Thread Shed...
Whenever an inspiration comes....I draw it out.

To organize all of the designs and ideas, the inside cover of the sketch book is like a table of contents or a glossary...

I categorize the designs,
then record the page number where I can find them in
the sketch book.

Afraid to start a sketch book because you don't know what to put on the first page?  
I hear that a lot.
Start from the back page and work your way forward...
It works!  Try it!

 This is a view of the hay field from the living room window:

There are more than hay bales in there tonight...

The elk have moved in...
Cows, Calves & Bulls

I didn't have the zoom lens on the camera,
so this is the best I could do by cropping
the image on the computer...

This means...
it is time to load up and truck the bales to winter storage.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view:  More Sketch Book Ideas

CLICK HERE to view:  Life on the Kessi Farm

CLICK HERE to view:  Sweet Sixteen Machine

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. Hi LuAnn: I love your site. I've enjoyed visiting and seeing how you quilt. I'm a new follower and hope you'll visit me, too, and follow. It's not easy to get haying done in Western Oregon, I know. We are in central Washington and have lost two hay crops, so far, to monsoon-type weather. The wheat had to be sprayed for rust, too, in some areas. Thanks for letting me visit.

  2. Hi Kathie,

    Thanks for your kind comments. I wanted to respond to you personally but you are a no comment blogger: Kathie (Prairie Stitcher)
    which means I can't reply back to your email. I tried to look up Prairie Stitcher but can't find you.
    Again, thank you for your comment.
    My Best To You,
