My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Grandmothers Flower Garden.....on the Bed

We are finally sleeping under our
Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt:

Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt
100 x 90 inches

Contains more than 12,000 hexagons...
Yes, you read that correctly, 12,000:

Each hexagon is 1/2 inch....the size of my thumb nail

I recently retired this quilt from my trunk show...

It is so HUGE and not fun to load or easy to travel with.

This is the first time we are sleeping under it:

The wool batting is absolutely yummy!

The yellow fabric in the center of each of the 150 flowers
was cut from my own grandmothers yellow house dress:

In honor of my Gramma Helen I have named this quilt:
In the Presence of the Past

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Binding the Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt

CLICK HERE to view: Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt on Exhibit

CLICK HERE to view: Adventures in Art Quilting Classes

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. Absolutely beautiful! How long did it take you to make it?

  2. Oh my! It's stunning and 'll bet it was a thrill to finally get to sleep under it. The fact that your grandmother's house dress makes up the centers of the flowers just makes it such a treasure. Sweet dreams!

  3. The Grandmothers Flower Garden is my all time favorite quilt. Yours is absolutely beautiful. You should be very proud of your completed quilt.
    Sleep well under all the memories.

  4. I spent 10 years piecing the quilt top. I took the piecing everywhere we went, planes, trains, get the idea. This quilt was a constant companion, and after so many years of having it with me everywhere I went, I became kind of sad when the piecing ended, so I quickly started a clam shell quilt that I could take along with me.
    I have no daughters to hand this down to, but my two sons have a true appreciation for quilting, so I know it will be in good hands someday with them.
    Bye For Now,

  5. Congratulations, LuAnn, your quilt is so beautiful. What dedication you have shown to finish this lovely quilt!

  6. What a fabulous and special quilt!

  7. Maravilhosa sua colcha,parabéns por bom gosto e perseverança.Eu faço hexágonos a muitos anos todas as noites,comecei a pouco tempo fazer outras peças de papel.Estou no momento fazendo uma de estrelas,e uma de borboletas de hexágonos.Tenho um estoque considerável a espera de inspiração...Mas parar jamais.Tudo de bom para você e sua família,beijos.

  8. What a beautiful quilt and how precious to have pieces of your grandmother's dress.

  9. Ten years in the piecing? That gives me comfort. My take-along hexies have been going five years. Your quilt is a beauty!
