My Tips n Techniques

Monday, March 19, 2012

Feeling Groovy......Piecing Rows

Day 5

Finally....a day to work on the
Feeling Groovy Quilt

I took it out of the pizza box and
started the applique work:

A few of the blocks have smaller blocks fused down
in the center.
I used the chicken foot stitch to sew them in place...

I decided to fuse the blocks
rather than piece them into the larger blocks:

I don't want to slice up these incredible
Marcia Derse Fabrics
more than I need to.

After the applique' stitching was completed,
I began piecing the gold sashing strips in between the blocks:

By the end of the day 5 of the 9 rows are completed.

Time to put it back into the Pizza Box:

More piecing to come on Saturday!

The Daffodils survived last week's snow storm...

The snow left them laying flat on the ground...

They have popped their heads back up again!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: ALL of the Feeling Groovy Quilt posts

CLICK HERE to view: What's on the Design Wall

CLICK HERE to view: The Sweet Sixteen Mid-Arm Machine

CLICK HERE to view: Flowers

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi

1 comment:

  1. I saw this in my FB stream and instantly thought of you:
