My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thread Shed........Making Progress

I am making some progress on the re-organization
of the Thread Shed...

I repurposed a hand-me-down TV cupboard
into a media center.

While I am creating I enjoy listening to audio books.
I also enjoy watching instructional DVDs.
Listening to relaxing music is the only way to go for free motion quilting.

Click Images to Enlarge:

I piled all of the video and audio equipment into this
big cupboard and it works!

The best part is, the doors close and hide all the clutter.

Brad built a shelf to hold the TV and speakers.
Underneath that is the stereo.

This light green cupboard was moved across the room to
its new location here as the Surface Design Cupboard.
(in its former life, it held all of the music and movies)

It holds textile paint, dyes, inks, screen printing supplies,
brayers, brushes, sponges, gels & mediums,
waxes, tools.....and lots more!

Again, the best part is, the doors close and hide the clutter !
Plus, everything inside is protected from the light and dust.

With the Design Wall all cleaned off,
I just had to put the Winding Ways/Wheel of Mystery
blocks up for a look see:

56 Blocks so far...
Sewn by hand.
This is one of my take-a-long quilts

I am realizing, as I work on the Thread Shed re-do,
that this is not a quickie, overnight project...

I have barely scratched the surface
with what I have accomplished so far...

I plan to get into all of my work areas
and tear them apart...
decide what will stay, what will go,
and then re-organize them so I can work more efficiently.

In the middle of this project...

we will begin mowing hay tomorrow.

I am also curating a quilt show that will go on exhibit August 1st,
so the Thread Shed is piled high with quilts this month.

I am gathering my own personal quilts and
finalizing my lecture notes
for a trunk show July 28th at the
Mary's River Quilt Guild
Philomath, Oregon

July 30th I am hosting a Fabric Painting workshop
here at our home for the quilt guild members.

I will continue with the Thread Shed project as time allows
and share my progress with you as I go.

As always, if you are inspired by any of my photography,
feel free to use it in your personal art work.

The dogs travel everywhere with us, even if it is just
to town shopping for groceries.
When we open up the back door of the pick up,
this is the view inside the back seat:

How is this for relaxed...
Gunnr and Suzy

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: more Cupboards in the Thread Shed

CLICK HERE for the 2009 Thread Shed Tour

CLICK HERE to view: Organizing, a Fresh Start

CLICK HERE to view: Big Board Ironing Board

CLICK HERE to view: Life Through a Quilter's eyes

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. Looks great LuAnn! Love the mystery quilt... I have one like it that I have been going to dig up too. Love the RE-DO! It's all beautiful; EnJOY!

  2. My, you have been busy and have another busy month in front of you.

    The quilt on the design wall is lovely and colourful; I bet it spurs you on just looking at it!

  3. It looks wonderful! How nice to have those big pieces with doors! Love your Wheel of Mystery! Have a happy day!
