My Tips n Techniques

Friday, July 1, 2011

Thread Shed Clean Out.......Continues

Day 2

I spent 6 hours out in the Thread Shed today.
It was hard to get back in the door this morning.
I really tore it apart yesterday.
You have to make a BIG mess in order to

Click Images to Enlarge:

Every flat surface had piles and piles of
quilting and art supplies on top of it
just waiting for me to make a decision...
Keep it? or Give it away?

I was in the right mood to get rid of things
I haven't used for awhile.
Several boxes were filled, loaded into the pick up
and are going to the Goodwill Store in town....

I enjoy giving old furniture a new life in the Thread Shed.
I use the old island from our kitchen as a cutting counter and to
store my stash of landscape fabrics.
I use two old antique cupboards to store my main fabric stash.
The cupboard doors close and keep the light and dust off the fabrics.

My son recently gave me his big TV cupboard,
since his new big screen TV doesn't fit inside it.
It has big double doors in the front.
Today I turned it into a media center for the Thread Shed.
The TV and DVD player fit inside, along with the stereo and speakers.
There is room for all of my Instructional DVD's, music, movies, audio books.
I just close the big doors and all of the mess and clutter are gone!

I spent the afternoon moving all of my textile paints and
surface design materials to a bigger cupboard.
It will be great to have it all in one place and be able
to get my hands on what I need very quickly.

By 5:00 I was cleaning off the design wall:

I removed this mountain landscape quilt I started years ago.
I have additional fabrics, along with the inspiration image.
30 x 36 inches
I would like to give it all away to one of you.
Please leave me a comment...
Gunnr will pick a winner out of his food dish next week!

I will continue working on the Thread Shed.
If I remember the camera, I will take a few
in-progress photos to post here soon.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view my Take-a-Long Quilts

CLICK HERE to Watch me Work

CLICK HERE to view the Cow Pony Quilt

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. It's funny how the accumulation goes.... some of the things we keep... and what goes when we are finally done with it... Also amazing how our stuff grows... and eventually needs more space. To combat some of that I move (frequently)... helps keep the clutter down. NOT saying I don't have a bunch of stuff tho!

  2. Hi Beth,
    We moved here 24 years ago......eek!
    Every 10 years or so we have a BIG clean out.
    One year we replaced the flooring in the entire house. We had to remove absolutely everything and store it outside while the floors were going in. With everything outside, it was so easy to sort and take so much of it to the second hand store........I didn't want to bring it back into the house at that point.
    It has been over 10 years since I moved into the Thread Shed, so it is due for its BIG clean out too!
    I am taking each day at a time and working my way through the Thread Shed.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  3. My sewing space is fairly well under control, but I'm still trying to go through three generations' worth of other stuff that were packed into storage when my mom & grandpa's house sold! Did you know that people who lived through the depression keep EVERYTHING that might be useful someday? Oy.

  4. Now that is a big job! I've moved my sewing space 3 times in the last couple of years and it always amazes me how much stuff I accumulate. Kudos to you for doing such a thorough sweep - I find I get tired of doing it after a few hours and just start stuffing things back into random boxes!

  5. Your comment about stuffing things back into random boxes....made me laugh.
    I am also tempted to do that, but I don't dare.
    In the autumn we are replacing the flooring in the Thread Shed, so all those "random boxes" will come back to haunt me when I have to move everything for the new flooring.
    I have to stay focused and keep no prisoners!

  6. I don't envy you. My sewing room has so much 'stuff' in it I am losing track of things. I love the landscape quilt. It looks like a mountain landscape in New Zealand.

  7. Sounds like you're making wonderful progress! Keep up the great work! :)

  8. We moved to a new house last summer. It was the first time we moved in over 30 years. Talk about shocking!! It was like going down memory lane :-) I think your landscape is beautiful. I've always wanted to make one.

  9. Your thread shed sounds marvelous. I have a Play Room but I keep studing my ol' potting shed. I am constantly editing and fine tuning storage space as piles accumulate even when I entre with empty hands. LOL

  10. we are thinking of moving from PA to FL...and it would mean selling/downsizing our home...I look around and I cannot begin to think how to start this...I am a saver..but I am taking all of my painting and quilting with me...can't get rid of that....I love your blog...

  11. Your mountain landscape quilt is beautiful!
    I have a big cleaning out job awaiting me, new loom is arriving next month, one has to be moved out, piece of furniture to go and shelving full of cones to be moved....the entire studio will be cleaned and reorganized in the process.

  12. I clean out my sewing studio last month and now give my frineds the advice of not cleaning theirs. I found 3 UFO's that I had forgot about and now have put them in a pile to someday finsh or giveaway. I find that even though I have only been quilting for 6 years my taste have changed so finishing those projects may never happen

  13. Great to hear all of your comments. I now know that I am not alone in my adventures to clean up my studio. It is good to learn and try new things, to better our skills and move forward with our art. Progress is good. Learning feeds our soul. I do not feel bad that I have outgrown any of my in-progress projects, and you shouldn't either. If you are no longer inspired to finish a UFO, then pass it on to someone who can breathe new life into it. Don't keep it around and feel guilty. We should never feel guilty about our art.
    Now.....back to the Thread Shed for me,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  14. It's amazing how much stuff we can accumulate with our hobbies! Even though I hesitate to start reorganizing, I actually like the process. It's fun to rediscover what i have (and to see how many things I bought twice because I didn't know I already had it!) Nothing beats the feeling of seeing your sewing area clean and organized, kind of rejuvenates the creativity.

  15. I recently cleaned up my stash. I had the top shelf in the closet stacked to the ceiling with when my daughter came last December we made up lots of quilts and took them to the Ronald McDonald House. Now I'd like to start on my quilting fabrics...cut them up for some scrap quilts...not that I don't have a basket full of those...! There are some great patterns for scraps and I'd like to get a few simple ones made. Btw I just love your blog and it's so generous of you to give such a lovely qullt for giveaway..

  16. Wow that is some cool mountain. It'd look great behind my washer and dryer so my sheets smell sun fresh!!! :)
    I am moved here to tiny house, unfinished, and most of the stuff in the barn will have to be sold. I'd call that a rather unsuccessful move but kept the fabric. All is not lost in tiny house on a hill.

  17. By the way I am very proud of you and all this work you are doing!

  18. I'm also in the midst of a makeover of my sewing space. My sewing room is the smallest bedroom in our house. I have emptied everything into our guest room. The walls in my room are now painted and I have to move everything back. I hope that I don't run out of steam before I thoroughly sort through all my stuff! I'm beginning that process today.

  19. Hi Lynn,
    A fresh coat of paint is a wonderful start to a studio makeover. Keep at will truly enjoy working in your new studio space!

  20. Just reading about your work reorganizing the Thread Shed makes me exhausted. I've been trying to eliminate unwanted fabric and supplies in my own sewing room. I have been making minor progress, but it feels good.
    That's a beautiful landscape quilt. I have never tried to make one, but it's definitely on my "someday" list.

  21. Here I was catching up on my reading on a slow day of a busy weekend and got all inspired about about re-arranging my tiny studio that I am back to busy again! I have thanked you before but I will again - your blog, photos, tutorials and inspiration are wonderful! And now a give-a-way! Mighty generous Ms. LuAnn!

  22. You are so fortunate to have a separate place for sewing. Our "stuff" is stuffed everywhere. I don't have a stash per se, but my mother has leftover fabrics and scraps from more than 55 years of sewing and quilting. We downsized and moved a few years ago, yet still have way too much stuff.
    And, to respond to a prior commenter. I know first-hand that people who lived through the depression save everything that might be used one day.... funny thing, we do use it! Or, my brother "borrows it never to return" to use on the farm.
    Oh! please enter me into your giveaway for your unfinished project of the landscape quilt. I'm pretty good at finishing other people's projects.

  23. Lost my mom last month and my sisters and I cleaned out her apartment and that is when I new I had to start and declutter my own space.. I would feel very lucky to be able to finish your landscape as it is a beautiful work of art and should hang where it could be appreciated. Well Done on all of your cleaning.. again thanks for the chance to win such a great gift..lindacrosby(at)hotmail(dot)com

  24. Hi ,Send it to New Zealand and I'll finish it for you.That's if Gunner is kind enough to pick me!

  25. It does feel great and fresh after you can see all your efforts of cleaning out and reorganizing. Good for you.
    I'm like you and am grateful for all that I have and enjoy the processes of it, what ever it may be, a glass half-full kind of girl.
    Please enter my name in your landscape giveaway. Oh that reminds me, I have a landscape UFO that around here somewhere.... LOL

  26. Congratulations to Anita!
    The winner of my Mountain Landscape Quilt Top.
    I mailed it out to you yesterday, so you should have it in a day or two.
    Thank you everyone for leaving such kind and supportive comments.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon
