My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Working Ground and Candy Corn Banner...

No stitching for me this week...

No gentle hum of a sewing machine...


I hear the roar of a tractor engine !

It's that time of year,

we are working up the hay fields:

The Cowboy has the disc 

hooked up to the John Deere

for me to take it for a spin !

The Cowboy just rebuilt the disc and we 

want to see just how good it cuts through the sod...

Day 2 the John Deere has a flat tire:

The Cowboy hooks the disk up to my

little red International tractor...

Day 3  I finished the field,

the rebuilt disc works great...

it is now ready to be plowed.

The John Deere sits waiting for its'

new tire to arrive.

When you have "down" time in the hay fields,

you can listen to the hum of your sewing machine:

How stinkin' cute is this Candy Corn banner !

I had so much FUN...I made 4 of them!

Candy Corn Video Tutorial: CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I've always wondered what it would be like to change a tire on a John Deere tractor. Seems to me a major amount of work, but does it require bringing in any special equipment. Lucky you to have a backup tractor and you were able to help. And good to see you found some quiet time for your sewing machine to hum to you. I love your candy corn banner and I'm now off to check the tutorial.

    1. Hi Darlene, It takes a pro to replace a tire tractor. They are enormous and heavy and filled with calcium to weigh the tractor down when you are on side hills so you don't tip over. The cost is about $800 just to have the pros come out and change the tire, the cost of a new tire is additional. Yes, it is good to have back up is none....two is one.....that is our motto.

      Many thanks for your comments,

  2. I love that your International came to the rescue!! When you live in the country, having a backup is so important...but I get why farmers don't have an extra combine as those things are really spendy!! Love that Cowboy can rebuild your equipment - hard for all dealers to find mechanics right now!

    1. Hi Farm Quilter, Yes, without a back up....everything comes to a screeching halt! The Cowboy is a Can-Do man, he can do anything.

      Many thanks for your comments,
