My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Improv Technique 9...


It's hard to believe I haven't played with

Improv Piecing

for almost a year...

I pulled out my very meager stash of 

solid fabrics...

I sliced them into strips of random widths:

Darks on the left.....Lights on the right

I decided to create 9 patch blocks:

No measuring....freehand cutting

I don't want the seams to match up...

Improv 9 Patch

I want the blocks to be a bit wonky...

Yes, this is what I want...

Here it is on the design wall...

I also added in a few improv square blocks

to keep it interesting...

We are heading into a busy summer 

of making hay...

this is a good little project that I can

pop into the Thread Shed for a few minutes

here and there and make a square or two.

Looking forward to pecking away at this

over the next few months !

Just had to show off the pink rhodies

in front of the Thread Shed

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CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Fun quilt to pop in to work on throughout the summer when time permits! Your Rhodies are gorgeous!!! Do they require trimming or can you just leave them to grow wild?

  2. Rhodies do really well here in Western Oregon, especially here in the coastal mountain range. You can trim rhodies or just let me grow wild if they have the room.


  3. Looks like some of the chunks you are cutting off the blocks would be good parts to use in another block along the way, too! Not much waste in improv, is there?

    1. Yes, Kathy, that little pile of trimmings is yummy. I am thinking they could be incorporated into some sort of border treatment?

