My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Orange Peel Quilt Top.....Design Work Completed

I completed the design work on the

Orange Peel Quilt


I tried a scrappy placement of the peels

and it wasn't working...

I tried grouping the peels by color family

and that works...

Purple Peels in the top left area...

Pink Peels below the purple...

Light Blue Peels top right area...

Dark Blue Peels bottom right corner...

Red Peels bottom left...

I put the flying geese 

with their color family as well...

For a busy quilt, this arrangement is much

calmer on the eyes...

Yes, this is the design I am going with...

Now, to piece the blocks together

and pick out a border fabric......hmmm.

More To Come !

CLICK HERE to view all Orange Peel posts

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CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Oh gosh, that's so beautiful! The color gradation is really calming.

    1. Thanks Vicki! That is just what I needed to hear.

      Take Good Care,

  2. You did a lovely job on those blocks. Looking forward to seeing it quilted and bound! Ready for spring and summer.

  3. Yes! This arrangement is beautiful. Perhaps the border will end up as not one fabric, but follow the color families of the interior, too! Love it!

    1. Oh Kathy.....I think you have something there with the border color following the interior colors around the quilt.....genius!

      Thanks so very much,

  4. I just love how you took a scrappy quilt and the color just flows and guides the eye around the quilt rather than a chaos of color everywhere...........very nice. I will have to play with this idea on some future quilt.

    1. Thanks so much for your always lovely comments.


  5. That is a really lovely quilt. I too agree the arrangement is very pleasing with the colors grouped together and your flying geese make it so interesting to look at. Will be waiting to see what you come up with for the borders and how you quilt it. Love your work.

  6. It's a wonderful layout and beautiful work!!!!

    1. Thanks so much Robbie!

      Have a great evening,
