My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Run Baby Run...


We have a new baby...

She was born last evening around 9pm...

We came back this morning to tag her...

The chase was on to catch her...

Enjoy the Video:

Enlarge video click icon bottom right corner of video

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Replies
    1. So glad you are enjoying the videos Mary. I enjoy sharing them with you.

      My Best To You,

  2. How wonderful. Loved watching Blackie and baby and the tagging process. Well done Cowboy!

    1. The sooner you tag the calves the easier it is. Once they get their legs under them, they can run like a race horse. They are super strong and hard to hold down when you are tagging them. They kick those back legs and you better watch out you are not in striking distance!

      Thanks for your comment,

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Vicki, so glad you are enjoying the cattle videos. I am enjoying everything you share on your own blog.....your paper pieced stars are coming along nicely.

      Happy Spring,

  4. She really had her legs!!! Good thing it was a heifer and he didn't have to band her!! That was quite the rodeo...Cowboy is earning his paycheck when he doesn't get them right after they are born! Cowboy obviously is wise to their ways and knows how to get the job done! Love the are getting quite the rain there.
