My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Improv.....Quilt Top

I spent March, April and May

creating lots of FUN improv blocks...

All of the fabrics are hand dyes I found at the bottom

of the scrap bin:

3 1/2 inch blocks

4 inch random strip blocks

4 inch floating triangle blocks

Wonky flying geese blocks

4 inch criss cross blocks

There were lots of small bits of hand dyes

 at the bottom of the scrap bin,  

so I pieced them together into long strips...

Then I inserted the pieced strips into

random strip units

It was great FUN putting all of the

improv blocks together...

I added lots of non-pieced solid strips

to quiet down the composition...

Improv piecing gets busy very quickly...

the solid strips give the eye a place to rest.

The bright borders help to lighten up

a somewhat dark composition...

At this point it measures approximately

48 inches square...

there are more improv blocks on the work table.

It may be awhile before I can get back to this...

Hay Season has begun here in Western Oregon:


This hay is our winter feed supply for the cattle...

I won't hear the sweet hum of my sewing machine...

I will be behind the wheel of this little beauty...

Happy Summer!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,



  1. Everything about this quilt is joyful!

    1. Hey Vicki......hand dyes are joyful! I was so happy every time I sat down and played with them.

      Many Thanks,

  2. Your improv quilt is delightful! Improv is my most favorite thing to do as the possibilities are endless and you really just get to kick back and play with stuff.
    Your hay pasture is beautiful with the rolls of hay. I loved being in Oregon for the Summer of 2017 and seeing all the beautiful scenery up there.

    1. Thank you! It made me happy working on it.

      Happy Summer,

  3. I LOVE this quilt. Next year I'd like to make one too.

    1. I am sorry I waited so long to work with improv blocks.....they are great FUN!

      Happy Summer,

  4. What a joyful, happy quilt!!! I am looking forward to the time when you have time to get back to finish it!! Love seeing the pictures of the farm...peaceful, happy place!! I've been missing the pictures of the calves, their mothers and the bulls. I wonder how the bottle boys are doing now that they are 2!

    1. Thank you! The mama cows and calves are all doing so well...Spring and summer agrees with them! The bulls are enormous and so handsome. The cows are being bred now. Believe it or not, the bottle calves are 3 now. I just saw them this morning when we were doing the cattle check. They are fat and shiny and still respond to my voice when I call to them.

      Happy Summer,

  5. O, I love your quilt. It is very inspiring to look and read how You did it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words.

      Happy Summer,

  6. So glad you are back at it! I was getting worried about you!!!! Love this improv quilt!!!!

    1. Hi Robbie, I stayed fairly productive the last few weeks....just never had my camera with me to take pics of what I was creating. I am back in my camera mode and will keep it with me at all times. I missed not sharing with all of you. I am back on the tractor mowing another hay field tomorrow, so maybe some haying images will be coming soon.

      Happy Summer,
