My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Scribble Stitching.....Happy Camper

My entire life is organized with Sticky Notes...

Most of my quilt designs begin 

with a Sticky Note...

This Sticky Note evolved into 

an actual pattern...

Happy Camper......Pattern

Just a glue stick holds the fabric pieces

onto the background square.

Happy Camper is now ready for some 

scribble stitching...

Scribble Stitching.....complete

These polka dot fabrics are calling to me...

Yes, another Happy Camper is born...

Happy Campers......Scribble Stitching

This is the back side of scribble stitching

This is an image I captured this morning

while driving the feed wagon:

I am driving the feed wagon...

the Cowboy is on the back flaking off hay...

Happy Cows in the rear view mirror !

Happy Campers and Happy Cows !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Love your little trailers!! This would make a perfect quilt for someone with a trailer or motorhome!! I had dear friends in Oregon who have a trailer...I need to make them a quilt like this!!! Thank you for the great idea. I love seeing the cattle!

  2. I love seeing where creative people work. your space is perfect - it's setup for someone who actually works in there instead of being setup by an interior designer who doesn't understand the creative process. i saw this fabric today and thought of your home life, it's called Udder Chaos

    1. Of course I checked out the Udder Chaos know me so well.....I love it!

      Thanks for your comment,
