My Tips n Techniques

Monday, April 8, 2019

Hexy Table Runner.....DONE

Remember this?

I started it back in February...

It was my evening hand piecing project,

I also stitched it while traveling to town...

Here it is 8 weeks later:


163 hexagons

There are 3 layers:

100% cotton Batting
Red Felt

I stitched invisible applique' 

around the outside edge

with Superior Monopoly thread.

The felt was trimmed down to 1/4 inch 

all the way around the outside edge.

It is on our table

and really brightens up the kitchen !

Many thanks to Nancy for sharing

her tips and techniques for this project.

We are still in the middle of calving season.

Everything is going just great !

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I love your table runner, and finishing with felt is a very great tip!

  2. Thank You! Yes, the felt is a wonderful way to finish it binding.

    My Best To You,

  3. When I saw the first picture, my first thought was how much work that binding was and how perfectly you did it!! How much easier was the felt to work with? I have never every considered using felt as a backing and basically appliqueing the top to the backing - totally brilliant!!! So glad the calving is going well and I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of calves and kids!!

    1. The felt is super easy to work with. I spray basted all 3 layers together, then I used monopoly thread to stitch down around the outside edge of the hexagons, then I trimmed the red felt. My friend Nancy shared these techniques with me and they worked so nicely.


  4. Smart thinking using the felt instead of binding. I love the sunny cheery colors.

  5. Thank You Barbara!

    My Best To You,
