My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Goats, Calves, Turkey Vultures...

What's happening @ Kessi Farms

Remember Golden Girl?

She is now a mama:

This is her second calf...

She is an excellent mom!

They're BACK...

Yes, the Turkey Vultures have returned

to Western Oregon

They enjoy a morning solar bath

near our calving grounds...

We counted more than 

20 Turkey Vultures today.

The baby goats are growing like weeds!

I have included a video....enjoy:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Baby goats are ADORABLE!!!! I"d not get any chores done just watching them play!!!!

  2. Golden Girl is so pretty and the camera really is kind to her...too bad she doesn't like the camera. Her baby is so cute! The kids are so fun to watch! A neighbor had one for a week one felt like it was the entire summer. We had fun with it while it was there, but they really weren't allowed in the city. The turkey vultures arriving is a sure sign of spring in your area!! So glad...ready for the winter to be over!!! How many calves are you up to now?

    1. We tagged Calf Number 31 this morning. Yes, it looks and feels like Spring here. Yesterday it topped out at 81 degrees, very unusual for our part of the country.

      All The Best,
