My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Painted Canvas Tote Bags...

Remember this painted canvas?

It was such FUN to create!

Here it is cut into sections...

This is what I made with it:

Messy Painted Tote Bags

Bag 1

Bag 1.....Lining

Bag 2

Bag 2.....Lining

Bag 3

Bag 3.....Lining

Lots of FUN to create...

Even more FUN to give away:

Everyone was happy with their tote bag!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Love the tote bags!! I want one!

    1. Thanks Lynda! The surface design work aka painting and stamping, is my favorite part of making the bags. I line my bags with fusible fleece to make them sturdy so they stand up nicely on their own.
      My Best To You,
      LuAnn in Western Oregon

  2. Your tote bags are fabulous!!! What fabric did you paint on and did you do anything to the fabric to prepare it for the paint? Now you have me wanting to make some!!

    1. You can purchase white canvas/duck cloth at most any fabric store. You can also purchase primed canvas at Dick Blick online. The primed is sturdier. No special prep work. The intial application of rolling on the paint primes the surface of the canvas. I use inexpensive craft paints because they dry so quickly, so I can get onto the stamping and layering without waiting for paint to dry. I also line the bags with fusible fleece to make them a bit sturdier so they stand up on their own.

  3. Such gorgeous bags. Can ask if these are interfaced with something or does the canvas have enough of its own body to stand up like that?

    1. Yes, I line the bags with fusible fleece to make them sturdier and they stand up on their own. I iron the fleece to the lining part of the bag, but I guess you could fuse it to the canvas as well.

  4. Every time I see your post with these painted canvas, I say “these are my favorite”! I love them all, but this set is really “my favorite”! Wink!

  5. Hi everyone, I haven't been receiving any blogger comments for several months now. I thought everyone was having a fun and busy summer and wasn't reading the blog.....just today I discovered lots and lots of blogger comments waiting for my moderation. Not sure how that happened? I will try and respond to any questions you had....which may take me awhile to get through several months of comments, but I will peck away at it a little each day. Sorry for the lack of communication on my part. Happy to see all of the comments waiting for me. My Best To You, LuAnn Kessi in Western Oregon
