My Tips n Techniques

Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday......Sunflower Progress

I spend Mondays with my local

quilt group

Today I continued piecing my sunflower quilt...

I am really enjoying watching it grow!

It is approximately 4 x 3 feet in size

Nearly all of the flower petals

and blue background are fussy cut...

The blue background will get darker and darker

as it goes above the sunflower.

This is where I left off today...

2/3 of the way done:

I am looking forward to more stitching

on this project next Monday.

Last week we attended the Oregon State Fair:

The Cowboy and I enjoy making a stop at the 

Pig Barn...

When our boys were young,

they raised 4H pigs.

We miss having pigs in our barn here at home.

Nothing much cuter than a pile of baby pigs!

A trip through the pig barn...

brings a smile to your face!

I am using Ann Shaw's pattern

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Your sunflower quilt is going to be beautiful!!! I love your fussy cutting and the changes in the background blue...stunning!!!

    1. Thank You! This has been a real treat to work on.....makes me really look forward to Mondays!

  2. The sunflower is coming along just great!!! The blue background fabrics really set the piece off and contrast so well with the flower petals! Wonderful!!!

  3. Hi everyone, I haven't been receiving any blogger comments for several months now. I thought everyone was having a fun and busy summer and wasn't reading the blog.....just today I discovered lots and lots of blogger comments waiting for my moderation. Not sure how that happened? I will try and respond to any questions you had....which may take me awhile to get through several months of comments, but I will peck away at it a little each day. Sorry for the lack of communication on my part. Happy to see all of the comments waiting for me. My Best To You, LuAnn Kessi in Western Oregon
