My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Sunflower......Art Quilt

I have a new Monday project...

I am starting a new Sunflower quilt...

I meet with the Harlan Valley Quilters

each Monday.

This is my new Monday project...

This is the color story:

Blue for the sky behind the sunflower,

Green sunflower leaves,

Red, Orange, Yellow for the sunflower petals,

Dark browns and black 

for the flower center...

The entire project is curved piecing...

a favorite of mine.

The sunflower is about 4 feet tall...

This is a great deal of fun...

it will take self control to work on

it only on Mondays!

Teasel grows everywhere

here in Western Oregon...

The bumble bees are loving it right now...

We are enjoying our summer.

The cattle are out on summer pasture,

they hay is in the barn,

life is good!

I am using Ann Shaw's pattern

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Oh, LuAnn, this is going to be a gorgeous quilt!! Are you going to do a tutorial on how to make a beauty like this?

    1. I am using an Ann Shaw pattern. She has great directions!

  2. Do you have a pattern for the sunflower or do you just sketch it freehand?

    1. I am using an Ann Shaw pattern. She sells them on her website.

  3. LuAnn do you have a pattern or do you just do a freehand sketch?

  4. Sunflowers are my favorite! Did you make your own pattern? Please share when done. I would love to make one of these.

    1. I am using an Ann Shaw pattern. She sells them on her website.

  5. WOW...the sunflower is going to be wonderful!! Can't wait to continue to see your progress!!! Glad you get some time to relax and enjoy the beauty on the farm! Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. This is going to be gorgeous! I love your color selections! I'm looking forward to seeing the finish. Thanks for sharing this.

  7. Is your sunflower a pattern or did you free hand draw it..I really like it.

    1. I am using an Ann Shaw pattern. She sells them on her website.

  8. Hi everyone, I haven't been receiving any blogger comments for several months now. I thought everyone was having a fun and busy summer and wasn't reading the blog.....just today I discovered lots and lots of blogger comments waiting for my moderation. Not sure how that happened? I will try and respond to any questions you had....which may take me awhile to get through several months of comments, but I will peck away at it a little each day. Sorry for the lack of communication on my part. Happy to see all of the comments waiting for me. My Best To You, LuAnn Kessi in Western Oregon
